While you plan of this and that... While you fear of this going and that never returning... While you are sleepless in agitation, awake in your desireful dreams...
God stands by you... smiles with compassion, and says, "O Child of Mine that moment to moment forgets of My presence with you... within you always, know that no harm can ever come to you... You are floating in My grace... Your dreams and desires can never touch the gift that I hold in My hand for you... Give up the thought that makes you think that you are alone... that you alone must do... Be determined that you are inseparable from Me and My being... Have no doubt that you are safe and always will be... I am not the Master that rules you... I am not the one above you that punishes you... I am your very Self... I am what you truly are, and always will be, even if you are aware of it or not... I am your very best Self... The mind is only powerful as long as you doubt your own true Self... Fear is born not with what you endure, but with what you make yourself with your thoughts... with your words and actions... Wherever you are... in whatever you do... think of Me... Believe that I am with you... Fill yourself with My compassion... with selflessness... with goodness... with patience... cherish the strength of the higher thought and the lower thought shall exit without leaving any pain... All will be well if you have known Me as your Self and Me as the world for the world is only the reflection of your inner being... There is nothing to understand... No pains of efforts to endure... There is no religion that you have to defend... All religions lead to My feet...All spiritual paths lead to a pure heart and a simple mind... Believe in your true Self with all of your might, and I shall be before you, taking you step by step, to complete freedom... All of this is born when you try to understand yourself and know it... But in truth the self that attempts to understand the Self is itself created my the mind... The moment all thoughts are of Me alone the egocentric self that attempts to seek the Light itself vanishes into its grandeur...
The perfect circumstance exits only for the desireful self... You cannot hold on to a happy moment and wish for it to return to you... The smiles of the past should give you the strength to face the present moment... In the same way, you cannot shudder each time you think of a difficult moment you endured in the past... God's strength is abundant within you... Why must you fear utilizing this strength? Realize that it is this strength that will bring you the moment of joy and peace... That is the perfect moment... To think, hope, and pray that all your selfish thoughts come to fruition is the dream of the delusional fool... All worldly losses and gains will ultimately be of no value... It is the Self itself that is worthy... Nothing else...
Desire gives birth to the fear of perfection... and truth gives birth to endless peace... No desire can ever give you peace... If you have chosen truth then realize, My Child you have given up the desire to be peaceful... For the desire to have peace... to hold peace... is itself what causes misery and the unpeaceful mind... And of course the unpeaceful mind creates the unpeaceful self... But the moment you shall give up the desire and return to Me you shall experience your oneness with Me... In that oneness you shall receive the knowledge that the soul beholds... It is in that knowledge that you shall set yourself free...
There is no enemy... no one that can hate you... no one that can make you weak... It is you alone that befriends the weak thought and loses everything... Let the heart rule, O beloved Child of Mine and you shall become the savior even to the one that wishes not to love you... As long as you have the strength to love nothing else matters... You are not giving anyone anything... You are simply being yourself and in that while you are giving, you are receiving the strength of being you and you alone... That is grace... That grace is expansive and will give others the strength to see their true self in you...
Be sincere to yourself... Do not waste your time in defending weak and petty thoughts... The pure Self emerges when you are fearless to battle with the egocentric self... The wrong thought becomes the enemy only when you fear to uproot it... Realizing that the thought within your mind is wrong makes you right... Then why must you fear facing that? If a robber entered your home and you saw him taking your valuables, would you just keep quiet? Would you be afraid then? Then why must you be afraid when a wrong thought comes to steal from you your very own Self? Peace is the contentment of knowing, believing, and realizing that the Self within is pure and untouched by the delusion of becoming more or becoming less than what it already is and will always be...
Do not feel frustrated... The weak-minded one drowns himself in the thought "I cannot" and loses his self-confidence... The more he believes in the weak thought, the more distant he becomes from his own Self... In his weak moments he wishes to know his Self from his worldly gains and successes... Little does he realize that he becomes a slave to fear and a tyrant to the pure ways of his own Self... What a pity! Do not fall into hopeless situations like that... Return to the thought of faith... Pray to God and His grace shall fill you with the higher thoughts... Once you experience the bliss of the higher thought the weak thought vanishes and peace remains...
Constantly say to yourself, 'God is with me, now, this very instant... Everyone that is close to me, everything that belongs to me, all that I am and can ever be is His and His alone... I am His eternal child... Nothing ever can change that... The Divine Mother embraces me in my every moment... Let that be my breath... Let that be my hunger... my thirst... my life... When I remember Him with all my heart, I automatically protect myself with Divine Grace... The thoughts of doubt hold no place in my mind... The strength of God fills my being... His unending, unconditional love keeps me content... I hold nothing else in my hand other than the Divine Hand that holds mine...'
A simple smile... a genuine look of love changes all circumstances... The deed of goodness shall free you from all fear... If you must dream... dream a life of loving God... In that dream you shall surely awaken to the highest truths... Hold on to Me as I have to you... Hold on with all your heart... Hold on and let go of the conditions that bind you to fear... Hold on to faith and let the questions of the mind sustain on your simple "yes" to Me... Hold on, My Child... I am there with you... I always was... I always will be... Hold on for a life with God awaits... You are to know this and this alone... Nothing else!"